Cimolai MBH100 Travel Lift Ready For Shipment to Port Whangarei Marine Centre in New Zealand
21st July 2015
A key milestone has been completed for the Port Whangarei Marine Centre with the completion of the manufacture of the new Cimolai MBH100 Travel lift, which is now ready for shipment. The
delivery voyage takes 50 days, so by early September the new machine will be in the yard ready for assembly and testing before going into service in October. Meanwhile, General Manager, Brad Hall, has overseen the commencement of the civil works for the travel lift piers, washdown area, and water collection/filtering/recycle system. In addition utilities reticulation and distribution to the hardstand area together with office, administration and crew facilities are well under way.
The Port Whangarei Marine Centre has a fully sealed hardstand which together with facilities of very high standard makes it
one of the biggest and best shipyards in the region. The new travel lift has an inside clearance of 10.2 metres, ideal for a wide range of vessels, including catamarans, up to 100 tonnes displacement. Jim Loynes, Yacht Liaison and Marketing Manager has been busy advertising and promoting the marine centre. As a result a number of vessels and substantial projects have been booking in thereby ensuring a busy start for the yard.